Sunday, November 13, 2011

Illegal Immigration

  • 1. How many total illegal immigrants are living in the United States?
    • In 2007, it was estimated that the illegal immigrant population in the United States has risen to above 13 million people.  
    • According to FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) It is difficult to have an exact figure because the illegal nature of their presence prevents any enumeration, but the U.S. Census Bureau estimated 8.7 million illegal immigrants were here in 2000, and immigration officials estimate that the illegal immigrant population grows by as many as 500,000 every year 
  • 2. What happens if illegal immigrants have children that were born in the US? Are they (the children) also considered illegal immigrants?
    • A common misconception is that the Constitution through the Fourteenth Amendment confers citizenship upon everyone born in the United States whether or not they were born to an illegal alien. Actually, the Constitution itself does not provide citizenship to those born of illegal parents; the Supreme Court only said it did in an 1898 decision known as ‘U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark’, and it is politically correct to accept this Supreme Court decision while ignoring others.
  • 3. Are there any advantages to the economy when hiring illegal immigrants?
    • If illegal immigration came to a standstill, it would disrupt the economy,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s “It would lead to higher prices for many goods and services, and some things literally would not get done. It would be a major adjustment for our economy, for sure.

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